• Language
  • Money
  • Science
  • Spirituality
    • Life is but a dream
    • Reincarnation
    • Christianity
    • Religions Are Crutch
      • Its not about right or wrong
        • When you break a leg, a crutch is absolutely a necessity and is right (because of condition)
        • When you're nearly healed, although you can walk without the crutch, re-injury is still a high probability
        • When you're fully healed, the crutch actually slows you down when you walk.
        • When you can run, the crutch is an absolute hinderance to your maximum speed.
    • Extra-terrestrials sentient beings or EBEs
    • Polarity Matrix
      • Above polarity matrix is Singularity, without conflict
      • Men vs. Women
      • Black vs. White
      • Democrats vs. Republicans
      • Old vs. Young
      • Rich vs. Poor
      • Right vs. Left
      • Good Vs. Evil
      • Heaven vs. Hell
      • Matter vs. Antimatter
      • Electrons vs. Positron (Proton)
      • Common Questions Within Duality Worldview
        • If there is no hell, then it's so sad there is no heaven
          • But who says? Why does one must lead to another?
        • If there is no right or wrong, they often cite Hitler as the most evil, you're going to forgive him?
          • So one dimensional
          • So self arrogant to claim absolutes
    • Your Action Is Your Belief
    • Theology Is Useless
      • Anything that cannot be used in practical everyday life to solve real world problems, you should eliminate them from your belief system
        • Spend time on things that you can take more direct responsibilities for your actions
        • Spend time observing the real world and how it respond to certain stimuli
          • Use yourself as experiment against certain theology or belief system, watch for results to confirm a belief or not
            • Honest experiments
              • Due diligence to unlearn all that was learned
              • Be brutality honest in confronting the truth however it may feel uncomfortable emotionally
                • Facts and statistics
                • Repeatable cause and effects
                • Observations and study of Natural Law
          • Many religious beliefs and passed down myths disintegrates once you put them to the test
            • The concept of sin and original sin - completely man made theology, easy to dismantle (whole lecture possible)
            • The feeling of guilt and the suppose prompting of the holy spirit - you must identify the power of belief, then you can truly live in the light
      • Too much time spend in theology robs you from seeing the truth on the laws that governs this world
        • Because Creation reflects Creator's attributes, lack of perception to the Natural Law destroys otherwise a would be or could of been successful life in career and love
        • Two opposing theology often finds no peace and only creates Separation that religion originally intends
          • Reconciliation between men and God
          • Reconciliation between men and men
    • Myths and Superstition
    • Prophesy vs. Most Probable Future
    • Misguided Science Cage Spiritual Evolvement
  • Human Nature
    • In psychology, state of denial has the following response:
    • Born Divine Vs. Born Sinner
    • Most Do Not Want The Truth, they actually fear to hear or know the truth
    • Is Your World View Really Yours?
    • Fear vs. Self Expression
    • Pain vs. Freedom
    • True Definition of Abundance
    • People can show favoritism and personal bias to the extreme
    • Relationship With Money Creates Wealth
    • What really motivates us?
  • Lecture topics
    • Did you know?
      • One hour lecture topics
      • How to overcome fear of death, our spirit are indestructible, retained our unique consciousness even after we dies
      • Stereotype Human Nature, limited scope
      • Gravity vortex is 3-dimensional
      • Moon
        • The moon creates vast biodiversity for planet Earth?
        • The moon is at least TWO BILLION years older than the planet Earth?
          • Moon rock is one billion years older
          • Moon dust is two billion years older
        • The moon is artificially constructed planetary body not of this solar system?
        • The moon never spins, you always see only one side of the moon
        • The moon is a station to monitor Earth, one of the richest biodiversity ecosystem in the galaxy
        • The moon is a way point station for many of the space travelers, refueling station
      • Gravity
        • Gravity is not a force that originates from the planet but it's a force that exists outside and external to the planet, pushing you onto the surface of the planet?
        • Gravity behaves very much like a thick liquid soup
        • Gravity behaves like a spinning vortex, like a twirl in the water
        • Gravity is reactive to the size and mass of an object, the object itself is the cause of gravity, therefore it's ratio, but not the source of.
        • To create anti-gravity, you may also have to distort time and space at the same time, it's all intertwined.
      • Time
        • Space-time is the relationship in our current physical reality that describes the relationship between the concept of time and space
        • Time-space is the inverse universe where space is single dimensional and time is 3-dimensional
        • Time is a physical construct that can be manipulated, accelerated, move forward and backward in time
        • Life is maintain in the cosmos by the progress and movement of time.
    • Holographic Universe (slide expand for more info)
    • Our Holo-Fractal Universe
      "Now because this galaxy is a fractal of the universe, the microcosm of the microcosm, whatever happens here also affects the cosmic arena, as a result these gods were also now behaving differently in the Cosmic Arena. They started modifying their previously created realities and instead of co-creating with the logos in synchronicity with life, they now started creating realities at will for their own purposes. Man began to see the changes in them and did not like what they saw. Instead of these gods having a organic and natural approach, aware that through the creation of these realities they are facilitating for other beings to have experiences for soul growth, their perception had changed. They started to believe they had rights over these Beings and that they could do as they pleased. This established a sense of ownership over these realities and therefore an ownership over the beings and all life within them. The gods now viewed these beings as more of a commodity and a resource. Because of their want, which had now morphed into a thirst for status, prestige, eminence and, of course, power, they started to create structures within their realities which encouraged other beings to worship them. As a result, they began losing even more sight of synergy and harmony with life around them and declined into becoming self-absorbed. Rather than working in harmony with life, they now manipulated life. These structures they created were what we would call structure of worship, of idolatry and of course, religion! This was to funnel the energy more efficiently towards these gods. They began to indirectly feed off these beings energetically, hence the worship. Some of the gods changed more than others and it eventually got to the point where one god in particular whose ego was now spiraling out of control, wanted to be "The God" and rule over the rest. This may come as a surprise to the religious multitudes and may be no surprise at all for others to know that this is the being behind the creation of religion on our planet."
      In the first few eras and epochs their realities were based on more of an authoritarian rule and so as a result they attracted the more aggressive and warrior types. This helped them to establish their presence and assert an authority very quickly within our galaxy.
      This in turn enabled them to create large empires by influencing certain key races; for example, the Draconians. These methods also resulted in the great saga of the Orion Epoch, with a great many wars taking place which transmuted a huge amount of the a Universal Male Warrior Archetypal energy. The Orion Wars saw some of the most intense and vicious battles ever known. The level of technology that was used there was the most sophisticated ever created. The deprivation of spirit at times were horrendous. The tortures that took place and it's methods that were being used were absolutely abominable. Many of the tortures were about cracking the Great Void not only on a cosmic level but also within an individual being. However, after a while the gods came to learn that this method of force is tiresome and risky as some of them fell both physically and energetically descending into the bottom dimensions.
      As time passed, some of these gods assimilated at first hundreds, then thousands, then millions of races into false realities and paradigms. Granted, their realities had a very unique and appealing expression, which was part of the attraction for many. Unfortunately, these creations had more of a mesmerizing and smothering effect. They seem to entrance and eventually entrap beings because they were working to guide awareness and intent away from ones Soul Essence. Their agenda was to steer and funnel the energy of awareness and intent towards the gods and archons themselves and to their version of life, so they could feed off that energy and become more empowered by it. Therefore, despite the glitz and the glamour of these realities, their functionality, intentions and ethos was in the opposite direction compared to that of the Galactic Mother.
      There were a multitude of races that played a role but there were to be three star systems that would feature more prominently than any others, Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades.
      Much further down the timeline, it was discovered that this solar system and specifically this planetary body were being implanted with a massive amount of biodiversity. Never before had there been so much life placed in one location and so finally it got the attention of this wayward faction of the gods. They were absolutely amazed at how much energy was now flowing in and out of our Sun and this planet. At first they were incensed and infuriated because this happened without them even knowing about it, but then they started rubbing their hands together with glee because never before did they see so much energy and so much genetic material in one place as the did here on our Earth Mother. But with this planetary body now expressing the most compressed reality that has ever existed, the obsession of these gods had also started reaching new levels.
      What really took their obsession to levels of frenzy and even insanity was the fact that along with the biodiversity of all life brings represented here in one planetary body, they discovered there was also a life for that had been created which had more genetic material than had ever been seen before. In fact they discovered that this life form had all genetic material in the Universe represented within its embodiment; a genuine fractal of the Universe in a single embodiment. This just made them utterly and insanely jealous of our Earth Human Race because the babies being born here had access to more life force and therefore could access more power than they ever did or ever will as, "the gods!"
      As partly mentioned before these are the Beings that throughout the ages here on earth have been approaching humanity and masquerading as "Gods" that at to be worshipped. Their sole intention, because of their outrage and jealousy, is to sabotage what is going on here, to prevent humanity from remembering who we truly are and reconnecting with our Soul Essence. They redirect our energies towards themselves and their paradigms so that they may empower themselves by feeding off our energies and subsequently continue to farm us. The main player within that group is also the "god" behind the religious organizations on our planet. His obsession is to stop as many people from achieving their intended outcome so that he may continue to feed off their energies via worship, fear, desires, adoration and many other avenues of energetic expression.
    • Gay documentary - Vito
      • http://youtu.be/Rn_EeJMcmNg
        • (excellent documentary of deliberate systematic murder of countless urban gay men by our own government in the 1980's by infecting them and deny them treatment. Based on real interiews, photos and video evidence. YouTube removed - will locate and privately host the video here in the future, apr'19)
    • Crimes Against Humanity
    • Language and the use of words can control an entire culture's subconscious
      • The invention of the word God, if interpret as a personal entity, automatically creates Separation between man and his Creator... Because its two separate words, God vs. me.
        • Contrary to the idea that God is a Force that permeates the whole universe, sustains all life such as plants, animals and all sentient beings as humans and extra-terrestrials.
        • That Force exists within us, around us and binds the galaxy together.
        • That Force is also individual consciousness as well as global consciousness, together with all consciousness of the entire universe makes up the totality of God.
        • In essence, we are a fractal division of the Creator seen through the eyes of a single node of experience, this fractal division carries learning about love, Unity, Separation, etc.
        • Decompression is starting from the highest point of Singularity or the One I Am That I Am... Dividing into fractals of itself on each lower evolutionary planes of existence
        • Evolution is the opposite, called Compression... Going from fractal divisions of many into the realization of the One... That we stop infighting and realize we're one family of human race.
      • Eskimos has 7 different words for ice and 1 word for rain. Hawaiians has 7 different words for rain and 1 word for ice.
    • History is Written by the Victors
    • Time and space, longer time passes within a given location, the energy signature strength is similar to traveling on a train leaving a station, further and weaker away.
    • Attention Getter for the FIRST HOUR video
      • Brain cells? Storage? If physical death, how can memory go on? Energetic duplicates of memory, Akashic Record
      • People are happier than 25 years ago
      • US Crime rate lowest since 1963
      • Artificial moon controlling us, women's menstrual cycle
      • Awareness, Awakening
        • Hyundai example: before we had a close chance to work for Hyundai we never saw them on the street, afterwards we begin to notice so many of them - because we tune in
        • Star Trek TNG, episode Cause And Effect highlights the progress of how we came to waking up
      • How Earth Was Made
        • Sahara Desert
        • Yellowstone
        • Great Lakes
      • History of our asteroid belt, the missing 5th planet between Mars and Jupiter that blew up in our solar system, causing Mars atmosphere to be destroyed
        • Mars was once a beautiful blue watery planet
        • Draconian invaded our solar system in distant past, blew up a plan
        • Supposedly a 400,000 years of Orion War conflicted happened similar to what happen in Star Wars in the early days of galactic history
        • Draco star systems
        • Orion star systems
        • Lyra star systems
        • Sirius star systems
      • Nothing new under the sun
        • Technology
          • Antigravity and ancient megalith stone monuments and megastructures
          • Harnessing the power of the torsion field physics of planetary alignments
            • Certain stone measurable in voltage at specific planetary alignment
        • Mathematics
          • Geometry
          • Crop Circles
        • Astrology - the mythical astronomy
      • Human Female Sexuality
        • Name calling using women's genital part harms subconscious regarding how society as a whole view female sexuality
          • Hey "cunt face"
          • Hey "pussy face"
          • You're a pussy
          • You sissy
          • Even girlish men, hey "faggot" - with feminine connotation is consider negative
        • Because women can have so many types of orgasms and can continue nonstop after one, it may be hard to define if she is having an orgasm...
          • I have seen women who have a continuous serial mini orgasms, at least twenty or more that was crest over by a mega-orgasm, she only count that as one orgasm
          • When a women string together multiple orgasms for so long, you can't tell how many orgasms because it's just a one long continuous one.
          • After a series of intense multiple orgasms, her heighten state doesn't drop so easily, even in this plateau state, it can be nearly as intense as an orgasm itself
            • For these women, having an orgasm is NOT important as she can have as many as she wants and even when not having one, it's such an intense pleasurable nonstop throb
        • Why women can have so many orgasms and men cannot
        • Men need to respect women and not use women's "gift" of multiple orgasms for their own ego boost - there is no love, self-centered and self-promoting
          • Be sensitive to a woman's orgasmic response, apply and let go of pressure by being in tune with her body and emotions
        • Women need to show compassion in the area of sexuality and use her loving Nature to share her sexual pleasure with men because it's a practiced art of sharing "energy"
          • Yin and Yang can circle higher and higher in an everlasting energetic boost, with women being the source that continuously replenishes men's lost energies.
        • Pornography, the good and the bad
    • We live in a sea of information-energy field
      • Quantum flux, particle wave duality, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal says a particle is also a wave in time; both states exists or to be precise flux at ultra high frame rate
      • A particle in a wave state is said to be a wave in time. The wave spreads out over time... As in spread spectrum...
        • A time telescope can see stars spread spectrum over time and detect its current position rather than the light-speed lag of what our naked eyes can only see
        • Because its a field of energy in time, the past position and future position exist with its present position but just present signal is strongest
          • Closer to present is linearly stronger, as signal of future or past further away from present gets weaker and weaker...
          • Space-time fabric is interwoven and can be viewed inversely; three dimensional geometric configuration used for calculation of teleportation and time travel
      • When we said We Are One, each protons within each single atoms are mini black hole or wormhole interconnected to all other atoms
        • This may suggest two atoms when come in contact, if taken apart at tremendous distance, the spins of one instantaneously spins the other atom, Quantum Entanglement
        • There is an invisible Field that is the underlying basis of all things, all information, all life force in this universe... It connects us all at the subatomic quantum level
    • It's our sacred duty to try
      • That's how we be like water, going with the flow of life
      • What we cannot do is assume that certain particular response(s) will happen, that we don't even try
      • Our confidence in ourselves is not based on the outcome(s) of we cannot control but in the effort (sacred duty) that we can put in
    • Power of language to influence consciousness
    • Power of calendar system to entrench consciousness
    • More wealthy poor people becomes, more options and freedom they have
      • Who they can marry
      • Get higher education.
      • Change job
      • Don't have to work
      • Become more enlightened through free time to think about the world they live in and who's really in control
        • Identity the true perpetrator of the social engineered propaganda big five media television and Hollywood movies
    • The struggle for power is one of the most powerful realities that exist in the physical world
      • When we say the love of money is the root of all evil, it's actually the love of power
        • Sex is power
        • Money is power
        • The root of all evil is not sex.
        • The root of all evil is not money.
        • The root of all evil is not power.
        • The root of all evil is the THIRST for power.
      • Sorority and fraternity house
      • Politics
      • Family
      • Workplace
      • Romance
    • Microsoft's encyclopedia Encarta (went virtually dead) vs. Wikipedia (free, no profit, no money incentives for the author)
      • The story of human motivation
      • Money is not the best motivator
    • Slangs
      • Not touch with a ten foot pole
    • Far side of the moon
      • Never see the earth, always look away in space
      • When we look at moon, we only see only half of the sphere of moon. AT ALL TIMES
      • Most UFOs are invisible to the naked eye, only be seen by highly advanced cameras beyond human perceived light spectrum
    • Your action speaks louder than words
      • You are totally honest at work, not stealing company's time nor office supplies
        • You believe in God because you do it only because you KNOW from within its the right thing to do
        • You believe in God because your motivation does not need the praise and the approval of man
    • Truth seeking vs. Attention span